Donations & Partnerships

Making Health Care








in Jacksonville
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Jacksonville Health Center Visits Made

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Low-income & Un-insured Patients Treated

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Local Jacksonville Jobs Created in 2020

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Return on Investment For Every $1 Invested

Jacksonville has ongoing inequities & barriers to accessing quality health care services.

13.7% of Jacksonville Residents Under Age 65 Lack Health Insurance.

Lack of or inadequate insurance coverage is one of the biggest barriers to accessing healthcare. Access to comprehensive, quality health care services is important for promoting and maintaining health, preventing and managing disease, reducing unnecessary disability and premature death.

20% of Jacksonville Residents Didn't See a Doctor in 2020 Due to Cost.

Delays in receiving appropriate care and unmet medical needs cause higher rates of preventable conditions, increased hospitalizations and ER visits, and high mortality rates.

14.9% of Jacksonville Residents Live Below The Poverty Level.

Low income residents in communities with high income inequality face greater health risks. They are more likely to face barriers to healthy choices, such as longer distances to healthy food or affordable healthcare, and are more likely to be exposed to environmental risks, such as low-quality housing.

Each Year Sees a Greater Demand For Our Community Health Services.

Our organization leaders focus on facilitating mobile medical services to those in need, expanding education initiatives, and developing strategic partnerships to create and fund sustainable programs.

Your donation and support today helps facilitate access to holistic, compassionate, high-quality care for a vulnerable population.